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5 Easy Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Meditating at Home

In a world full of noise, stress, and burnout, one of the best ways to stay centered and calm is by adding meditation to your everyday routine. It will not only give you a break from the outside world, but will also sharpen your focus, help you relax, and provide you with a much-needed breather to keep you going through day despite any anxiety or overwhelm you may feel. 

As great as it is for your health, meditation doesn’t always come easy for people. It can be challenging to drown out the outside world, the never-ending to-do lists, or the kids crying and truly find a state of mindfulness and concentration. Still, with practice, it can definitely be done and you will be amazed at the improvement it brings to your day. 

If you’re struggling to get into the practice, here are some tips to eliminate distractions at home so you can use that safe space as a starting point. 

Pay attention to the outside sounds first
One of the biggest hurdles with meditation is drowning out the outside noise. Instead of trying, and failing, to ignore it try embracing it. As you sit down to meditate, take a moment to focus on the sounds around you and accept them. By doing this, you’re not fighting the sounds which means they won’t have any power over you – they will just be there and suddenly become white noise.

Unplug and get offline
This is likely no surprise to anyone, but your phone, TV, and other electronics are a huge distraction in everyday life – so they can definitely hinder a good meditation session. Before you sit down to meditate, try to eliminate as many digital distractions as possible. If you use your phone or tablet to play a guided meditation, make sure you turn all other notifications off and lay the gadget facedown so that you won’t be tempted to check your work email or text messages. Remember, you don’t need to meditate for hours to get the benefits, so whatever messages are coming through on your phone can wait.

Finish your chores
One of the hardest things to do in life is deal with the seemingly never-ending to-do list. If you’re stressed out about going to the grocery store or finishing an assignment with a deadline, scratch the item off your to-do list before you sit down to meditate. Don’t procrastinate and use these chores as an excuse to keep pushing back your daily meditation (because it will suddenly make meditation another chore on the to-do list that you dread), make yourself a promise to prioritise what you need to get done in order to fully relax and meditate.

Keep your house in order
If you’re sitting down to escape for a few minutes, but all you hear is your leaky roof and all you can think about is how you need to call a contractor, it’s going to be tough to find your space relaxing. Since it’s your home, it should be relaxing. Make sure you keep up with home repairs as best as possible so they don’t pile up and make life even more stressful. By staying on top of these tasks, you will not only keep your home in good shape, but you will eliminate one more thing that can impact your focus.

Meditate somewhere you feel comfortable
Create a space in your house where you feel comfortable and calm and designate that space as your meditation spot. It can be anywhere in your house that brings a sense of calm such as your bedroom, the bathtub, or even your dark closet if that’s the only space the kids seem to leave you alone for an extended period of time. Wherever you choose, invest the time to make the space cozy and calming so that it sets you up for a successful meditation.

Learning how to meditate takes time, it is a practice, after all. As long as you keep trying different ways to drown out distractions and focus on the here and now, you’ll eventually find your way to a calming, successful meditation. 

Ready to overcome fear and kickstart your Meditation practice now? Check out the Soham Yoga schedule for healing, empowering, and transformative support – to start meditating and being peaceful, being joyful and being calm.