Stop driving your senior to physical therapy—why more caregivers are turning to in-home Yoga Therapy
The majority of those 65 and over will have a reason to seek out Yoga therapy at some point, whether it’s for post-surgery rehabilitation or to improve their overall health. For many, the primary reason is mobility challenges: The CDC reports that 40% of seniors have mobility issues that keep them from functioning at their […]
Health benefits of walking 30 minutes every day
Compared to other forms of exercise, say running or cycling, walking doesn’t get much attention, but it’s actually a brilliant way to tone up, build muscle, and lose weight. Unlike running, it’s a beginner-friendly workout, and suitable for most people. The best part? You can grab your running phone holder, a coffee, and even the dog, […]
Buddhism & Yoga: Exploring the Mystery of Being
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Top 19 Beautiful Playlists For Your Yoga
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et.
7 Reasons to Practice Yoga Outside Instead Inside
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et.